Welcome to RAX Wildlife

RAX Wildlife Consulting’s mission is to provide management services for private landowners throughout the state of Florida who are interested in improving the wildlife resources on their property. RAX is dedicated to every one of its clients, but understands that the “market” is comprised of many individuals and operations. We understand the networking complexity of the market, therefore we aim to bridge the gap between individual breeders and hunting operations.

Throughout the last decade, rural landowners in Florida have recognized the economic and financial opportunities awarded through wildlife management and deer breeding. It is our goal to assist rural landowners in the development of superior wildlife on their preserves, whether it’s a commercial hunting operation or simply to enhance the land value. We aim to further stimulate industry growth through education, public outreach, and overall wildlife stewardship.

Our Services

Whether your goal is to become active in the deer breeding industry, develop a hunting operation, or simply enjoy the wildlife on your property, RAX Wildlife Consulting offers a multitude of services to help private landowners improve, manage, and market wildlife resources on their property.